Individual therapy is a process designed to help people understand themselves better. In individual therapy, we focus primarily on ourselves. We look inside to find the explanations for what we think, how we feel, and why we behave in the ways we do. In individual therapy, we don't look to external sources to explain our behavior. Instead, we seek to understand how or why we respond to external situations and seek to understand that relationship in the most productive way possible.
For this work, I primarily use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (or CBT). CBT is a form of psychological treatment with a long history of research that substantiates its use for a wide range of psychological conditions; including treatment for depression, anxiety disorders, and family and marital challenges. CBT is based on several core principles: psychological problems are based, in part, on unhelpful ways of thinking, learned patterns of unhelpful behavior, and that we can learn better ways of coping, thereby relieving symptoms.
You can read more about CBT at the link below.
Let's begin working together by scheduling an appointment to talk today.